
1 Peter 5:3b ...being examples to the flock.

That is something that we all can do. As transsexuals, we are meant to be leaders, and I'm not just talking about standing behind a pulpit and giving a sermon. I'm talking about leaders with our lives! Now, I'm going to first use Christians as an example. To be honest with you, some people are hurt by the church or simply, a member by the church, and as a result, they think that all Christians are that way, that bad way, and that person or those people search for alternative means for supplying their lives. Sometimes, it is a first impression, and first impressions mean much. We can do so much destroying by our behavior. Now, let's shift the focus back to transexuals. Some people may see a person doing something that is somewhat unethical, and they think that all transexuals are that way. Our behavior matters. Many people can be hurt by one person's actions. That is why we need to be leaders, in the sense that we need to be examples. Another thing that we need to do is show our light. That is being an example. If we are walking in the light, we benefit others and ourselves, but if we walk in the darkness, we destroy ourselves and others. Sin can be very destructive. That is why we are encouraged to love each other and those who are not of our fold. By being leaders or examples, we are being the light, and others will benefit. Christianity is not just about going to church and going through the activities there. It is about Christ. If we follow Christ, we will benefit, and others will benefit. Here is what I am getting at. As transexuals, we need to watch our conduct, because it will affect other transexuals, if we don't. It affects other transsexuals, because people will perceive them to be that way. In the same way, Christians need to be example, or others will say, 'there's another hypocrite.". James 1:26 says that if we are to be the real thing, we need to be examples. That's what matters. That is why I am encouraging Christians and transsexuals both to watch their conduct. As transexuals, we are representing all transsexuals, and as Christians, we are representing all Christians. And some of us are both categories. Being a leader is not only giving a message at a pulpit; it's the way that we live our lives. They affect others. The way that you live your life is true leadership.

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