Male or Female?

First, look at this verse:

Genesis 5:2 Male and female he created them, and he blessed them and named them Man when they were created.

Then, look a this one:

1 Corinthians 14:33a For God is not a God of confusion but of peace.

First of all, what I have said in some of my other articles, what defines a man and a woman? God looks at the heart not at the outside.

1 Samuel 16:7b For the Lord sees not a man sees; man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.

A man or woman may be expected to act as a man or a woman, respective on the outside, but the truth is, that the church is run by man, and man will have their expectations. It is God who is in charge, not man. If God is in charge, then man needs to look at the heart and not the inside. Therefore, a man can be a man on the outside, but have a womanly conscience and heart. It is not that the transexual is walking in confusion, it's just that man does not understand what is going on. When man misunderstands a transexual and tries to condemn them to hell without working with them and loving them, then it is they who are walking in the flesh, and that's not good. If one wants to walk in the Spirit, he would love that transexual and treat him or her as God's children as we all are, instead of treating them like trash. Also, we should not force conversion therapy or reparative therapy down a transexual's throat, because this is not the way of love. The way of love is loving them as a person. When we force conversion therapy down a transexual's throat, all we are trying to do is convert them. And Jeses speaks against this in Matthew 23:15. The church should not be about going to a building just to sing songs, pray, and hear a sermon. It should be about Jesus! Jesus loves people! He did not try to get them into the church. He accepted people who were not part of His fold as his friends. That's the way we should treat transexual people. When we don't treat transexual people as our friends, we hate them and fear them, and that is the opposite of love. We are commanded to love our neighbor. That was one of Jesus's greatest commandments. If we are going to love transexual people, we shoul forget about ourselves and be their friends!

Here is a verse that many transexuals claim that it is on their side, but actually, it's not.

Galatians 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no man and female, for you are all one in Jesus Christ."

Actually, if you look in the commentary, this verse simply says that all who are Christians have the same benefits in Christ Jesus. This, sadly, has nothing to do with transexuals, but the truth is, society cannot dictate the way a man or woman should act. God determines what a woman or a man is. He looks from the heart. The interior dominates the exterior. That is not society's job. Otherwise, it would be in the Bible, but it's not. The truth is that a church is run by humans. Humans err; God doesn't. The Holy Spirit may move a person, but not all of the time. If a person was perfect, he or she would not be here. That is why the church needs to surrender to God and His ways, so that He can run the church, and people will benefit. That is why it is up to God to determine who is female and who is male. God knows everything. If you are a transexual or questioning the issue, pray about it. I guarantee that you will get your answer. God is on your side. You can trust Him.

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